HMS Announcments

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Today's Announcements


This Thursday, we will take our spring MAP test to see how students have grown from the fall in reading.  We've already had MSTEP and PSAT, but this is the one we get data on immediately so we can put plans in place to help support students.  To help with motivation, we will have a reward day for any student that grows in their reading map test.



Have you heard of the term “sleep hygiene” before? Good sleep hygiene is all about putting yourself in the best position to sleep well each and every night. Set a regular bedtime and start a nightly routine to wind down, including avoiding screens 30-60 minutes before bed and dimming your lights. Doing whatever puts you in a state of calm such as listening to soft music, light stretching, reading, or relaxation exercises also might be helpful. For more sleep hygiene tips, reach out to Nurse Byl.




Craft Club

There will be no Craft Club this week.